First Webinar of the MSA-Trough Project on “Design of an Innovative Parabolic Trough Collector – The MSA-Trough Concept”

As communication and dissemination WP leader of MSA-Trough project, OMEC is very pleased to invite you to the First Webinar of the MSA-Trough Project on “Design of an Innovative Parabolic Trough Collector – The MSA-Trough Concept” to take place online on 17 September from 10h00 to 11h30 CEST.

The Horizon Europe Innovation Action project MSA-Trough addresses some main technological challenges to deliver low cost, reliable, efficient and sustainable electricity. A novel concept based on parabolic trough technology using molten salts as heat transfer fluid and storage medium has been elaborated, which will be developed and tested at the Évora Molten Salt Platform in Portugal.

To increase knowledge exchange, exploit possible synergies, identify exploitation opportunities and ultimately lead to CSP market resurgence the MSA-Trough consortium, led by the University of Evora with the participation of six partners including OMEC, is inaugurating a series of webinars to share research findings, discuss challenges and identified solutions, learn from other experiences and incorporate stakeholders feedbacks.

The first webinar will illustrate the main challenges addressed in the design of the innovative parabolic trough collector and explain the technological solutions adopted. The event, free of charge, is addressed to scholars, engineers, industry manufacturers and any other stakeholders having a research interest in sustainability innovation and forward-thinking policy definition. More information about the event is available at

In order to confirm your participation, please register here.

More information about the project and its activities at and on the dedicated social media networks, LinkedIn and X.