Mediterranean Energy Perspectives – Turkey is the fourth publication of the Mediterranean Energy Perspectives (MEP) series, a set of in-depth energy studies prepared by OME.
MEP-Turkey is a unique and comprehensive analysis of the Turkish energy industry from the early 1960s to the present day, as well as an estimated evolution to 2030, based on OME’s proprietary Mediterranean Energy Model specifically developed for this study.
The Study also addresses alternative energy sources, sustainable development, and institutional and regulatory framework, which are critical issues in the Turkish energy policy and offers a deep insight into:
– Socio-economic context and overview of the energy sector;
– Historical and forecast data on supply and demand balances for each segment of the energy sector and for each fuel;
– Alternative energy scenarios (Conservative and Proactive Scenarios) to 2030 showing challenges and potential impacts, with a particular emphasis for 2023;
– Developments of innovative and renewable energy technologies and sources;
– Major energy infrastructures and their evolution;
– Past trends and possible future evolutions of fossil fuels from exploration & production to consumption;
– Evolution of electricity generation and installed capacity;
– Future energy import bill and energy investment needs;
– Energy efficiency and demand side management;
– Prospects for CO2 emissions;
– A possible roadmap to a sustainable energy future for Turkey.
Coordinated by OME, MEP-Turkey is produced by a team of OME experts, international consultants and OME member companies operating in the country and Turkish experts.
MEP-Turkey is the publication of reference for decision makers, analysts, researchers and investors who wish to have a complete overview and understanding of the energy industry and market in Turkey and the long-term perspectives.