PAM Second Edition of the Marrakesh Economic Parliamentary Forum for the Euro-Mediterranean Region and Gulf

From 11 to 12 July 2024 in Marrakesh, Morocco, OMEC participated in the “Second edition of the Marrakesh Economic Parliamentary Forum for the Euro-Mediterranean and the Gulf of PAM”, organized together by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM) and the House of Councillors of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Building up on the success of its first edition, the 2024 Forum focused on two main topics: the relation between securing energy supply and the green energy transition, and the support to entrepreneurship and SMEs in the process. The event aimed at addressing the present challenges to produce, transmit and access affordable, sustainable, and clean energy in PAM regions, while focusing on tailored regional solutions to support entrepreneurship, SMEs and economic growth and inter-connectivity across the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf regions.

The Forum represents an excellent opportunity for parliamentarians and institutional partners of the Mediterranean Region to engage directly with economic and political leaders, from the public and private sectors, as well as with the academia and civil society.