The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Gas Platform aims at establishing a regional structured dialogue allowing the gradual development of a Euro-Mediterranean gas market to promote security, transparency and predictability of both demand and supply in a manner that correctly and fairly balance the interest of producing and consuming countries and provide the basis of the long-term secure development of the abundant resources in the region.
Since 2017, the OME runs the Platform’s secretariat in close coordination with the UfM co-presidency. The Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the Platform activities. It assures the smooth implementation of the work programme, including the organisation of meetings and events, and progress reports, as well as the supervision of the deliverables. In addition, the Secretariat is responsible for implementing the communication activities of the Platform.
The OME also participates in the work of the two other UfM Energy Platforms; the UfM Regional Electricity Market Platform (UfM REM Platform) which aims at the progressive integration of energy systems and energy markets in the UfM region, and the UfM Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Platform (UfM REEE Platform) which aims to promote the progressive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures.
Duration: Since 2017
Website: https://www.ufmgasplatform.org/