Projects & Publications
GEM 9 – June 2012
MEP 2011
Mediterranean Energy Perspectives 2011 provides insights into the energy situation today and over the next two decades in the Mediterranean region. Its detailed data and analyses are of interest to stakeholders on both the supply and demand sides of the energy...
MEDENER – Energy Efficiency in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries, 2011
Overview of polices and good practices MEDENER (the Association of Mediterranean Renewable Energy Agencies) intends to take action for developing a report focusing on energy efficiency policies and measures in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. This report...
ARE I&T – Analysis of Renewable Energy Investments in the Mediterranean Region and developing potential of the different technologies
A case study for Morocco The aims of this internal study is to collect and analyze data about the most relevant defined or under development Renewable Energy plans and projects, in selected countries, and to organize workshops/roundtables with Renewable Energy...
GEM 8 – December 2011
Unconventionnal Gas, October 2011
Hype or Reality for the Euro-Mediterranean Region This paper contains three parts. The first part gives a brief review of the US success in unconventional gas boom (particularly shale gas), the experience gained and the challenges faced. The second part discusses the...
MEP Egypt
Egypt is a significant oil producer and a rapidly growing natural gas producer. Its strategic location makes it an important transit corridor for world energy markets. Mediterranean Energy Perspectives - Egypt provides insights into the country’s energy situation...
Oil Export Infrastructure in the Caspian Region and its Neighborhood, July 2011
Today & Tomorrow In parallel with the expansion in crude oil production, Caspian oil exports are witnessing significant growth. Although existing infrastructure capacity in Azerbaijan is sufficiently large enough to absorb any additional Azeri exports in the...
GSWH – Global Solar Water Heating Market Transformation & Strengthening Initiative
The “Solar Water Heating Market Transformation and Strengthening Initiative” project, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) aims at accelerating global commercialization and sustainable market transformation of solar water heating...
“Research, methodologies for the effective development of pan-European key GRID infrastructures to support the achievement of reliable, competitive and sustainable electricity supply” OME participates in Work-Package 3 and leads Work-Package 3.6. WP 3 is devoted to...
GEM 7 – March 2011
Gas Export Infrastructure in the Caspian Region and its Neighborhood, July 2010
Today and Tomorrow Natural gas exports from the Caspian region have been hindered by various problems. The unresolved legal status of the Caspian Sea, several regional conflicts and the lack of sufficient export infrastructure have made the transmission of the rich...
MED-CSD – Combined Solar Power and Desalination Plant
Techno-Economic Potential in Mediterranean Partner Countries MED-CSD is a 2-year project funded by the European Union DG-Research as part of their Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research and technological development. OME is the general coordinator. MED-CSD...
GEM 6 – July 2010
A Review of Natural Gas Transmission Companies in Euro-Mediterranean Region, June 2010
Company Profiles and Performance Indicators This report tries to answer the request of the Executive Committee and contains a brief overview of 26 gas transmission companies selected by their significance in the Mediterranean Region. The analysis of these companies...
The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea, March 2010
Implications on Energy Resources Development and Transport Since 1991, the five states bordering the Caspian Sea have failed to find a common ground over the issue of the division of the sea bottom and the delimitation of surface waters. The problem is that there is...