OME conveys to the European Commission its view on the key issues regarding the role of LNG in meeting the EU’s Energy & Climate objectives
The first meeting of the UfM Platform on gas was held in Barcelona on 9 March 2016. The recent developments in Euro-Mediterranean gas matters were discussed in a session moderated by Marco Margheri (Edison/OME). Daniel Gomez Benusiglio (Gas Natural Fenosa/OME) conveyed OME views on “The key issues regarding the role of LNG in meeting the EU’s energy and climate objectives” to Mr. Hans Van Steen (Head of Unit International Relations & Enlargement, EC) who presented the recently announced LNG strategy of the European Commission in the session.
OME Member Companies welcome the Commission’s strategy paper and underline in particular five key issues on the role of LNG in meeting the EU’s energy and climate objectives:
- The growing role of LNG as a tool for flexibility and diversification;
- The optimal use of and access to LNG infrastructure;
- Bright prospects for LNG as an alternative fuel;
- The importance of the full implementation of the Third Energy Package and appropriate Network Codes’ development;
- Promoting cooperation with the neighbours in the Mediterranean region and leaving the control over commercial negotiations to market players.